Unaware of a sensitivity to dyes, I went into anaphylactic shock while undergoing IV pyelography, an xray exam of the genito-urinary tract using dye, back in the early 80’s.  I have since been hyper-allergic to anything processed, even white sugar.  Along with the history of cancer in the family, and a 4+ positive Navarro HCG titer back in 2012, I deem myself unsuitable for vaccination.

That said, although i take Ivermectin 15mg. 1 capsule every 2 weeks, a prophylactic prescribed by Dr. Allan Landrito, foremost in my mind is the need to naturally strengthen my immune system, so that besides observing all prescribed precautions, I keep myself safe and well in these times of COVID-19 and its variants with a healthy lifestyle.

I take my maintenance enzyme- ULTRA-ZYME (available online at 1 tablet 3 times a day with meals to digest food consumed, leaving the body’s supply of pancreatic enzymes available for the control of any malignancy.

I limit my protein intake to 2 eggs a day at breakfast, or 1 at breakfast and 1 at supper, and just a matchbox-size of meat OR chicken, OR if fish, just palm-sized, augmenting these with nuts, beans, vegetables, oatmeal and quinoa to provide the protein that the body needs for normal cell function.

I take my ALL NATURAL/NO PRESERVATIVE supplements after meals:

  • Sodium Ascorbate 500mg.- 1 cap, 2x a day- after breakfast and dinner (promotes healing, help prevent bacterial/viral infections);
  • Moringa (Malunggay)- 1 capsule, 2x a day- after breakfast and dinner (fights inflammation, bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, used as remedy for cancer and diabetes);
  • Turmeric- 1 cap once a day after breakfast (its curcumin is an effective anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant);
  • Cod Liver Oil (Vitamin A&D)- 1 gelcap once a day- after breakfast. (Vit A is for resistance to respiratory infections, good for eyes, hair, skin, gums; Vit D taken with Vit A and C aids in preventing colds);
  • Vitamin E 400 I.U.- 1 gel cap once a day- after breakfast (assists in delivery of needed supplements; NOT to be taken with ferrous sulfate, an inorganic iron);
  • No-Flush Niacin 525 mg.- 1 cap once a day- after breakfast (converts food to energy and helps digestive system);
  • CoQ10 60 mg.- 1 cap once a day- after dinner (needed to produce energy for cell growth and maintenance);
  • Calcium Citrate with Vit D3- I tab OD after dinner (maintain strong bones, healthy teeth, regular heartbeat);
  • Basic Multi- 1 cap once a day (OD) after dinner;
  • Folic Acid 400 mg. – 1tab OD after dinner (assists in bowel absorption of nutrients);

I pace my meals at 5-hour intervals with just water in-between: breakfast at 8 a.m., lunch at 1 p.m., dinner at 6 p.m.; the 14 hours of incidental fasting between dinner and breakfast actually rests my body from the steady stream of food it usually has to process, gives my body the chance to cleanse itself of toxins, while converting needed energy from fats, thus boosting my natural energy levels. Surprisingly, and happily for my troubled knees, my weight went from 138 to 118 lbs. effortlessly, and have kept it there. The downside? Crepe skin on thighs and upper arms from the weight loss- not really much of a problem, easily covered up anyway.

I do steam inhalation for 10-15 minutes daily as a precautionary measure – better safe than sorry, I say- with a natural preventive. Aware as how the common cold, the flu, and COVID-19 present the same symptoms, all being Coronavirus, the signs and symptoms they share can mislead to self-medication, and cause serious delay and dire consequences.


  • For lack of cardboard, I recycled a large sturdy paper bag to make a cone, one end snugly fitted around the lip of a water kettle or pot, to prevent steam from escaping; the other end large enough to cover my face;
  • I heat water to rapidly boiling in a kettle or pot;
  • Remove from fire, add 1 tsp. non-iodized rock salt to the boiled water; and
  • Fit the cone onto the kettle or pot to efficiently direct saliferous steam;
  • Initially, as the steam is extremely hot, I keep my face from the cone opening at a distance where heat is tolerable, closing in as the heat of steam dissipates;
  • I ALTERNATELY slowly inhale steam through nose, exhale through the mouth, THEN slowly inhale steam through mouth, exhale through nose. That way, the saliferous steam gets to cover every nook and cranny of the throat and paranasal sinuses where the virus nests or parks for 4-5 days.
  • As I stay at home, I only steam twice a day when my day maid comes twice weekly to wash and clean; or, if and when I have to answer the doorbell and receive home deliveries.
  • I generally advise cancer patients I mentor who go to the market or do groceries, or those who work or meet with people, to steam 2 x a day.
  • To most others, I say: “Listen to your body: ANYTHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY – be it headache, sinus problem, runny nose, dry mouth/tongue, raspy throat, don’t wait for the fever or cough – START STEAMING 3x a day! 

A word of caution: these variants don’t seem to nest too long, IF AT ALL.  Unlike the COVID19, they fast-track and wreak havoc and pneumonia on the lungs!   So play safe – STEAM!  Nothing to lose, everything to gain.

We are what we eat, so I usually cook from scratch, and when shopping for groceries, check out labels for Nutrition Facts and ingredients.

  • NO Palm, Corn, or Soybean Oil, shortening or partially hydrogenated oil- all source of evil trans fat;

I USE coconut oil (Minola) for cooking instead.

  • NO White flour, white rice, pasta, and bread- they are without fiber and nutrients, therefore easy to digest, which in turn causes blood sugar and insulin problems;

I take whole wheat or rye bread, use coco flour if/when I bake bread, oatmeal for champorado, and sotanghon instead of pasta, with a variety of home-made sauces.

  • NO High Fructose Corn Syrup and Artificial Sweeteners-

HFCS from GMO corn, is in practically everything- in sodas, energy drinks, snacks, candies; sweeteners Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal), saccharin (Sweet N’Low, Sugar Twin), and sucralose (Splenda) trick one to eat with abandon, harm one’s metabolism.

I only USE coco sugar for everything- for baking, making sauces, mixing condiments; making my own ketchup, i use unflavored gelatin powder for stabilizer.

  • NO Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Benzoate- carcinogenic, dangerous levels of benzene build up when combined with ascorbic acid in energy drinks, and when plastic bottles of soda are exposed to heat;

I only DRINK warm water… but with kalamansi and 1tbsp honey first thing in the morning for anemia, and for proper rehydration particularly in this ungodly warm weather, i make sure i drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.

  • NO BHA, BHT, and BPA- carcinogenic preservatives and generally found in butter, cereals, potato chips and baked goods, and in plastic bottles and food containers; also in lipstick, moisturizers and other cosmetics;

I only use organic butter from free range cows, snack occasionally on roasted skin-on potato chips, fish chips made from cassava starch; and except for the occasional lipstick, I don’t use any of those, at all;

  • NO Sodium Nitrates and Sodium Nitrites- these are preservatives found in processed meats like bacon, hotdogs, luncheon meats, deli meats, tosino, langoniza, etc.;

I prepare my tosino, langoniza, tapa from scratch; to keep the meat red, i add powdered Vit C tablets to the marinade.

  • NO Artificial Colors- particularly when shopping for children, and when purchasing medications – letters cum numbers mean artificial chemicals that have been linked to cancer.

I choose natural food products only. 

  • NO MSG- Monosodium glutamate, though present in some natural foods, is exploited by the processed food industry. Hydrolyzed, and at high levels, they have been shown to affect brain chemistry.

A pinch of muscovado or sugar in place of MSG works well as a food enhancer.

Most of the above NO-NOs are found in:

  • flavored and textured products like pasta sauce, salad dressings, yogurt, and cake mixes;
  • those not in their natural form as potato chips, crackers, granola bars, or those not naturally occurring like sodas, donuts, cookies, and candy;
  • packaged complete meals including frozen pizza, and microwaveable dinners.

Note: Got the list of 8* materials from a Healthy Options Lifestyle News Digest article which noted source:,

Natural Cancer Therapy: Nutritional Supplementation in a Nutshell

Natural Cancer Therapy: It’s all about Nutritional Supplementation elicited quite a few emails requesting for clarifications. I have since come to realize how one can get lost in the maze of details, busy as the post is, and have come up with this more simplified listing: Continue reading